黄相辅,中国台湾桃园人。英国伦敦大学学院(UCL)科学史与科学哲学博士(2015)。台湾中央大学地球科学系学士(2004)、天文研究所硕士(2006)。曾任台湾中研院近代史研究所博士后研究人员(2016-2018)、台湾阳明大学人文与社会教育中心兼任助理教授(2018-2019)。现任37000Cm威尼斯副教授、英国伦敦大学学院科技研究系名誉研究人员(Honorary Research Associate)。
Hsiang-Fu Huang is Associate Professor in the Faculty of History at Nankai University. He is also Honorary Research Associate in the Department of Science and Technology Studies, University College London (UCL), where he graduated and was awarded PhD in History and Philosophy of Science in 2015. Before joining Nankai, he was Postdoctoral Research Fellow (2016-2018) in the Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica, in Taipei, Taiwan.
Research interests: history of popular science; history of modern science (astronomy, geology and natural history, 18th-20th centuries); science and culture; science communication and society.
More information and CV:https://nankai.academia.edu/HsiangFuHuang
“From Grub Street to the Colony: George William Francis and An Early Victorian Scientific Career”. Notes and Records: the Royal Society Journal of the History of Science(伦敦:英国皇家学会),付印中,网络先行出版(2020年12月)。【SCI; A&HCI】
《居家必备:《妇女杂志》在五四前的通俗科学启蒙 (1915-1919)》,《中研院近代史研究所集刊》(台北:中研院近史所),第100期(2018年6月),页85-128。【THCI(台湾人文学核心一级期刊)】
“A Shared Arena: the Private Astronomy Lecturing Trade and Its Institutional Counterpart in Britain, 1817-1865”. Notes and Records: the Royal Society Journal of the History of Science(伦敦:英国皇家学会),第72卷第3号(2018年9月;网络先行出版:2017年11月),页319-341。【SCI; A&HCI】
“Transferring Scientific Discovery to the Public: the Intramercurial Planet Vulcan in 1860”, Public Understanding of Science(美国:SAGE出版公司),第26卷第3号(2017年4月),页393-397。【SSCI; A&HCI】
“When Urania Meets Terpsichore: A Theatrical Turn for Astronomy Lecturing in Early Nineteenth-Century Britain”, History of Science(美国:SAGE出版公司),第54卷第1号(2016年3月),页45-70。【SCI; SSCI】
“Beyond Celestial Toys: Orreries and Public Astronomical Lectures in the Eighteenth Century”, 《科技、医疗与社会》(高雄:科学工艺博物馆),第16期(2013年4月),页161-222。
“Machines for Representing the Cosmos”. Journal for the History of Astronomy(美国:SAGE出版公司),第52卷第3期(2021年8月),页371-372。【SCI】
“Joshua Nall, News from Mars: Mass Media and the Forging of a New Astronomy, 1860-1910”. Isis(美国:芝加哥大学出版社),第111卷第3期(2020年9月),页685-686。【SCI; SSCI; A&HCI】
“Show Me the Bone: Reconstructing Prehistoric Monsters in Nineteenth-Century Britain and America by Gowan Dawson”. East Asian Science, Technology and Society: an International Journal(美国:杜克大学出版社),第12卷第2期(2018年6月),页211-214。【SSCI】
“Haeckel’s Embryos: Images, Evolution, and Fraud by Nick Hopwood”. East Asian Science, Technology and Society: an International Journal(美国:杜克大学出版社),第11卷第2期(2017年6月),页293-295。【SSCI】