邢承吉,清华大学历史系本科,北京大学历史系美国史硕士、哥伦比亚大学历史系美国史硕士(MA, Mphil.)、博士,曾任德国马普学会科学史研究所和哥廷根大学访问学者,现为37000Cm威尼斯副教授、百名青年学科带头人。主要研究方向为美国思想史、跨国史与科技史。在《历史研究》、World History Studies(《世界历史》英文版)、 《读书》、《全球史评论》、Chinese Studies in History(A&HCI) 等期刊发表十余篇学术论文、综述、书评,在《澎湃》、《东方历史评论》、《文汇报》等发表了二十余篇公共史学文章,与滕凯炜合译的入江昭的《跨国史与全球史》,即将出版美国历史学家访谈集《实践历史学》(北京商务印书馆)。她目前正在从事中美科技交流史和美国思想史领域的研究。主要研究成果代表性成果:
3. Dissertation: “PACIFIC CROSSINGS: The China Foundation and the Negotiated Translation of American Science to China, 1913-1949” (Columbia University in the City of New York, 2023)”,220 pages, DOI:https://doi.org/10.7916/pax4-tr49
4. Chengji Xing, “Madman and Sage: The ‘Two Toms Paradox’ of the Early Republic”,World History Studies(《世界历史》(英文版), Vol. 11, No. 1, June, 2024.
5. Chengji Xing,“Latest Book on the Rockefeller Foundation in China”(Hu Cheng胡成, Maixiang zhishi shijie zhuyi: Luokefeile jijinhui de zaihua shiye (1914-1966) 邁向智識世界主義:洛克菲勒基金會的的在華事業, 1914-1966 (Towards Intellectual Cosmopolitanism: Rockefeller Foundation in China (1914-1966). Taipei: Linking, 2024. Chinese Studies in History (A&HCI),issue 57(2-3), DOI:10.1080/00094633.2024.2369037.
Sally Chengji Xing received her PhD from Columbia University in the City of New York in 2023. She is now an associate professor of history and fellow of Nankai’s Hundred Young Leaders’ Program at Nankai University (Tianjin, China). She was previously Richard Hofstadter Fellow of Columbia University (2016-2021) and a visiting fellow at MPIWG and fellow at the University of Göttingen in the project “Worldmaking from a Global Perspective: A Dialogue with China”. She is interested in writing US history from transnational perspectives. Her book manuscript-in-progress examines how and to what extent American intellectuals in the first half of the twentieth century influenced the development of Chinese science. Her scholarly writings have appeared in Historical Studies, The Readers Magazine, World History Review, Chinese Studies in History, etc. Her public writings have appeared in the Paper, Oriental Historical Review, Wenhuibao, etc. Xing has lived in Shanghai, Beijing, Xi’An, Hong Kong, as well as various parts in the United States, in Mid-Atlantic States (New York City-Manhattan, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Washington D. C.), New England (Massachusetts), Mid-West (Indiana), the South (Virginia), also in Europe (Berlin). She is now based in jin-nan area of the city of Tianjin. Her long-term research explores Sino-American intellectual history in transnational approaches, from early twentieth century up until the late 1960s.
哥伦比亚大学历史系 US history (PhD.) (2023年)
哥伦比亚大学历史系 US history (Mphil.)( 2020年)
哥伦比亚大学历史系 US history (MA.)( 2018年)
北京大学历史系 美国史(硕士) (2015年)
清华大学历史系 世界史(学士) (2013年)
德国马克斯普朗克科技史研究所 访问学者(2023年5月-2023年11月)
德国哥廷根大学 访问学者(2023年5月-7月)
美国哥伦比亚大学 博士生讲师 (2017年9月-2022年1月)
美国哥伦比亚大学美国研究中心 本科生导师(2018年9月-2022年1月)
美国普渡大学历史系 研究生助教 (2015年9月-16年5月)
“PACIFIC CROSSINGS: The China Foundation and the Negotiated Translation of American Science to China, 1913-1949” (Columbia University in the City of New York, 2023)
Dissertation Committee: Mae Ngai (Columbia), Casey Blake (Columbia), Richard John (Columbia), Ira Katznelson (Columbia), Pan Guangzhe (academia sinica)Published on Academic Commons/ ProQuest: https://academiccommons.columbia.edu/doi/10.7916/pax4-tr49
4. Doctoral Dissertation: “PACIFIC CROSSINGS: The China Foundation and the Negotiated Translation of American Science to China, 1913-1949” (Columbia University in the City of New York, 2023)”,220pages, under embargo till 2028, DOI: https://doi.org/10.7916/pax4-tr49
5. Chengji Xing, “Madman and Sage: The ‘Two Toms Paradox’ of the Early Republic”, World History Studies (《世界历史》(英文版), Vol. 11, No. 1, June, 2024.
1.Chengji Xing, Peer-Review Journal Article, “Madman and Sage: The ‘Two Toms Paradox’ of the Early Republic”, World History Studies (《世界历史》(英文版), Vol. 11, No. 1, June 2024.
2. Sally Chengji Xing, “Latest Book on the Rockefeller Foundation in China” (Hu Cheng胡成,邁向智識世界主義:洛克菲勒基金會的的在華事業, 1914-1966 (Towards Intellectual Cosmopolitanism: Rockefeller Foundation in China (1914-1966). Taipei: Linking, 2024. 592 pp. TWD 850 (paperback). ISBN:9789570873078), Chinese Studies in History (A&HCI), issue 57(2-3), DOI:10.1080/00094633.2024.2369037.
4. Forthcoming, “Latest Book on the Rockefeller Foundation in China”,Chinese Studies in History (A&HCI)
6. Sally Chengji Xing, Review of Wu Lin-chun, “China and the United States: Business, Technology and Networks, 1914-1941”, The Journal of American-East Asian Relations, 27 (2020) 119-141, H-Diplo.
14.《重溯美利坚的观念世界: 一七七六至一七八七》,《读书》,2017年第4期。
17.《镜像中的自我——一八三五年版《论美国的民主》在美国的反响》,《北京大学研究生学志》,2014年(2013年Global Undergraduate Awards本科生论文特别推荐奖、“长三角‘世界史’研究生学术论坛”学术论文一等奖)
9.邢承吉访谈玛莎·豪威尔,“美国女性历史学家的战斗 ”,《东方历史评论》,2018年9月。
1.从中美知识思想网络谈中基会对推动我国近代科学发展的历史作用”,清华波士顿校友会,TAB Talk 109, Tsinghua Alumini in Boston, February, 2024.
2.2023年7月27日:“Teaching Applied Sciences or Research Pure Sciences? ”, MPIWG, Berlin.
3.2023年7月13日: “Pacific Crossings: The China Foundation and a Negotiated Translation of American Sciences to China, 1913-1949”, Göttingen University, Göttingen
4.2023年3月27日:《纽约、波士顿、 南京、昆明——围绕中基会的探索之旅》,武汉大学37000Cm威尼斯。
10.Nov. 2017: “John Dewey’s visit to China” (guest lecture, moderated by Professor Casey Blake), Columbia University, Pupin Hall, NYC.
11.July, 2017: “Prince and Pauper”: Reevaluating the two Toms of Revolutionary America, Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine”, (guest lecture at Robert H. Smith International Center for Thomas Jefferson Studies, moderated by Professor Andrew O’Shaughnessy), Berkeley Hall of Jefferson Library, Monticello, Charlottesville, Virginia.
1.“Chinese Columbianites and the Sino-American Intellectual Exchanges through the China Foundation”, MPIWG (via Zoom), Sep. 12, 2024 Event link: https://www.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/event/chinese-columbianites-and-china-foundation
2. Sally Chengji Xing and Arnab Rai Choudhuri, “Translation of Scientific Terminologies in China and India: Reconsider the Entry of India and China into the Global Production of Scientific Knowledge”, HNT conference, Graz, Austria (Click here for the program: Program – translationhistory.uni-graz.at; Sep. 12, 2024, entire panel postponed to a later date).
3. 邢承吉,“Madman and Sage: the ‘Two Toms Paradox’ of the American Revolution”, 世界近现代化进程中的多元文明互鉴” 国际学术研讨会,9月8日,2024年。
4.“Cosmopolitan Geologists and Ding Wenjiang’s Observations of Science in Soviet Russia”, “The System of Science and Democratic and Authoritarian Social Structures in the Twenty-First Century”, MPIWG, Berlin, March, 2024.
5.'Applied Sciences or Pure Sciences: Debates and Negotiations about the Establishment of the China Foundation', in The Making of Epochal Events: Narrating Turning Points in Chinese History”, Heidelberg University, June 16, 2023.
6.Roundtable Panel, “Language and Historiography: A Roundtable on the Use of Non-English Sources in US Migration History Research”, annual meeting of the Organization of American History (美国历史学家年会), April 2023.
9.“Chinese Students in America and their Embrace of Wilsonianism” in the panel of “Chinese Exclusion and Chinese Students: The Impact of Xenophobia on U.S.-China Educational Exchanges, 1882-1943”, Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations-SHAFR Annual Conference of 2021 (美国外交史年会), June, 2021, via Zoom.
11.Embracing 'Tides from the West': Sino-American Intellectual Exchanges and the Establishment of the China Foundation', Cultural and Intellectual History Workshop, Columbia University, NY, March 2021, via Zoom.
12.“PACIFIC CROSSINGS: Paul Monroe, the China Foundation and the American Quest to shape Modern China in Its Image, 1913-1949”, Cornell GHA Colloquium, Cornell University, January 2021, via Zoom.
14.“Madman and Sage”: the “two Toms paradox” of the Early Republic”, Dissertation Workshop, Columbia University, April, 2018.
15.“The Pro-Wilsonian sentiments that predated “the Wilsonian Moment” in China: Reexamining Hu Shi’s Early Experiences in the United States (1910-1916)”, Intellectual and Cultural History Workshop, Columbia University, February, 2018.
16.“Embracing Confucius from the United States: Power and Discourse Surrounding Dewey's visit to China,1919-1921', The Intellectual and Cultural History Workshop, Columbia University, October 2017.
17.“Madman and Sage”: the “two Toms paradox” of the Early Republic”, “Revolutionary Texts in a Digital Age: Thomas Paine’s Publishing Networks, Past and Present”, New Rochelle, New York, October 2019.
18.“Spreading Modernism and Internationalism: American Missionary Impact on Chinese Modern Education, Centering on Bridgman Academy”, presented at 55th Annual Conference of History of Educational Society (Chaired by Julie A. Reuben, Harvard University), Washington St. Louis, Missouri, November 2015.
19.“‘Long Live the Spirit of Self-determination!’ Writing the May Fourth Incident and Chinese Aspirations for Post-WWI World Order into International History”, presented at the Flagrant Hill International Conference on the Centennial Anniversary of WWI (Chaired by Akira Iriye, Harvard University), Beijing, China, November 2014.
37000Cm威尼斯“青年学者对谈”(南和志、邢承吉):Doing US history outside the US,a Conversation with Dr. Kazushi Minami (Osaka University) 在美国之外研究美国史:对话大阪大学南和志教授,37000Cm威尼斯127,2024年5月20日。
a.主持:在柏林马普所科技史所Lise Meitner Research Group “China in the Global System of Science”)独立主持的三项研究课题:
1)PACIFIC CROSSINGS: The China Foundation and a Negotiated Translation of American Science to China, 1913-1949 (完成)
2) Digitalizing the China Foundation Network (在研)
3) Navigating Western Knowledge of Science in China and India: Colonial Encounters and Global Knowledge Production (在研)
中基会和跨越太平洋的研究曾得到Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations, the Tokyo Foundation for Policy Research, the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History, Rockefeller Archive Center, the Consortium for History of Science, Technology and Medicine, Richard Hofstadter Fellowship, the GSAS International Travel Fellowship的资助;应邀前往德国马克斯普朗克科技史研究所及哥廷根大学 “Worldmaking from a Global Perspective: A Dialogue with China”、中央研究院近史所访问交流,2016-2024年科研经费如下:
1)入选37000Cm威尼斯“百名青年学术带头人”计划 (2024年-2028年)
2)Residential Fellowship, “Worldmaking from a Global Perspective: A Dialogue with China”, Gottingen (Germany), 2023.
3)Predoctoral Residential Fellowship, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (MPIWG), Berlin (Germany), 2023.
4)GSAS International Travel Fellowship, Columbia University, 2022-2023.
5)Graduate Teaching Fellowship, GSAS, Columbia University, 2022.
6)Richard Hofstadter Fellowship, Columbia University, 2016-2021.
7)Research Fellowship, the Consortium for History of Science, Technology and Medicine, Philadelphia, 2020-2021.
8)Gilder Lehrman Scholarly Fellowship, the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History, 2020.
9)Research Fellowship, Rockefeller Archive Center, Tarrytown, NY, 2020.
10)Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship Research Abroad Award, Tokyo Foundation for Policy Research, Tokyo (Japan), 2020.
11)Samuel Bemis Dissertation Research Grant, The Society for Historians of American Foreign Affairs, 2019.
12)Research Fellowship, American Studies Center, Columbia University, 2019.
13)Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship (SYLFF), Tokyo Foundation for Policy Research, Tokyo (Japan), 2017,18,19.
14)Summer Research Grant, History Department, Columbia University, 2017, 2018.
15)G-Zero Fellowship, History Department, Columbia University in the City of New York, 2016.
1)Lead Teaching Fellowship (LTF), Center for Teaching and Learning, Columbia University, the academic year of 2018-2019.
2)ICJS fellowship, Robert H. Smith International Center for Jefferson Studies in Monticello, Virginia, 2017.
3)History in Action Award, History in Action Program, the Mellon Foundation, 2017, 2018.
4)Presidential Fellowship, Purdue University, Indiana, 2015.